Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The tale of the long line

Long lines at the polls have always been a bad sign for repugicans and looking at the lines at the polls today ... they're fucked.

Lines that normally grow to encircle the polling stations by mid-day were already double that before the doors to the polls were open this morning around here - a scene that was repeated over and over again at polling stations throughout the eastern states.

Now, it is mid-day and the lines have not abated ... in fact they have grown!

The misty drizzle around the area has not deterred any as far as anyone observing the the numbers of people going to the polls can tell.

I don't think even a full-blown category 6 hurricane would keep people from voting this time and you know what there is no such animal as a category 6 hurricane - they just don't make'em that strong ... that is the mood of the people of this country.

When you couple today's extremely heavy voter turnout with the historic numbers who voted early where it was allowed ... well, let's just say it's not gonna be the repugicans best day.

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