Saturday, November 15, 2008

They never learn

From the "They never learn" Department:

The repugicans are still trying to steal the election in Minnesota and get this ... they are trying to do it by claiming the election was stolen from them!

Brad Friedman of the Brad Blog has been, and still is, the biggest advocate of election integrity in the Blogosphere.
The latest news he brings us about election shenanigans is the fact that there are no facts in the Minnesota repugican's contention that 32 absentee ballots were "riding around" in a car after the Franken - Coleman election:

For those following the nonsense being put forward by the gop conspiracy theorists (such as Sean Hannity, Norm Coleman, redstate blog, powerline blog, and all their fact-free friends), David Brauer at does a terrific job of debunking the whole "32 ballots driven around in an election director's car for days" nonsense.

They weren't driven around in her car, they weren't all votes for Franken, they weren't "lost" for days, and the claim, which is being used by the national repugicans at their conspiracy theory "minnesota recount" site to prop up their unsubstantiated claims of a "stolen election," turns out (surprise surprise) to be entirely false...

Specifically, as to the claims that 32 ballots were driven around for days in the car of Minneapolis elections director Cindy Reichert:

  1. The ballots were never in her car.

  2. The ballots were never in anyone's car for several days.

  3. The ballots were never lost or forgotten, and spent election night until counting day in secure city facilities.
See David Brauer's piece for the complete real details on the story, about which Sean Hannity spent a full two segments misreporting and misrepresenting on FauxNews last night.

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