Thursday, November 13, 2008

Vick expects to play again?!

From the "When pigs fly and humans walk on the sun" Department:

Imprisoned NFL quarterback Michael Vick expects to return to pro football, according to his bankruptcy attorneys who laid out a plan to pay creditors based in part on his anticipated earnings.

"The Debtor has every reason to believe that upon his release, he will be reinstated into the NFL, resume his career and be able to earn a substantial living," Vick's attorneys wrote in a disclosure statement filed before a hearing Thursday in U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Norfolk.

This moron thinks he is going to play in the NFL again?

No one will want the stigma, the scrutiny or the all around bad karma of being associated with him.

You don't run a dog fighting ring and everyone just ups and forgets about it just because you go to jail for a short while.

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