Wednesday, November 5, 2008

What does it mean to you?

This was posted by archiguy on the Charlotte Observer's webpage under the question - What does the election Tuesday of Barack Obama as President mean to you ... and what will it mean to the country?

"You always hear the question asked, Why do we have to settle for the politicians we have? Why don't more men of greater talent run for office? Wouldn't it be great if our Best and Brightest would want to be President instead of a hedge fund manager or a millionaire divorce attorney? Well, it's pretty clear to me that Barak Obama is one of the best men our country can produce, possessed of formidable talent and drive. We're fortunate to have a man of his intellect and unrivaled power to move and inspire. His calm, confident, and assured demeanor during the debates portend how he will interact with world leaders, who have been waiting on a grown-up to come back to America's helm. He will carefully consider all options available, and his administration will be the complete antithesis of the reckless, ill-considered stumbles and bumbles of the hopelessly incompetent Bush regime. The country will be well served by this brilliant, capable man. One of our Best and Brightest in the top job. Finally."

I don't know archiguy from Adam but he says what a whole hell of a lot of us feel - Why not have the Best and Brightest in lieu of the worst and dullest that we have had in the past ... especially so during the last eight years.

Sadly though his post and a few others expressing hope and optimism where the only bright spots in over 100 responses thus far. The rest were the same old bile and vitriol hate filled rants we have come to expect from the wing-nuts ... many of them incoherent, most rambling non sequitors.

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