Thursday, November 20, 2008

Yeah, what he said ...

He does have a point, you know ...

"There's no point to debating ... the lunatic fringe.
Their rantings about Marxism, 'islamofascism,' 'unAmericanism,' 'treason' and laissez faire economics are irrelevant to any serious political discussion in this country. Overton's window has shifted to the rational part of the political spectrum, where the reason-based community resides.
The discussion is now between liberals and the so-called 'centrists.'
Arguing with people who think Obama is a secret Muslim communist and the Earth is only 6000 years old is pointless.
It's like debating a small child or more accurately, a male Labrador retriever.
No matter what you say, he'll continue to hump your leg, knowing with certainty that if he just humps long enough, your shoes will bear puppies.
All you get out of it is a sticky leg."

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