Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Coffee stop leads police to cocaine arrest

From the "Why am I not surprised this happened in Arkansas" Department:

Arkansas sheriff's deputies said they arrested a man needing a little bit more of a boost to go with his morning coffee. Deputies said the man parked next to their unmarked cruiser Tuesday outside of a Starbucks in Bentonville.

Deputies said they saw the man take a sniff of a white substance off of a small spoon before going inside the coffee shop.

The deputies confronted the man, who initially denied the substance was cocaine. Later, deputies say he admitted to taking the drug and allowed deputies to search his car. The deputies say they found three grams of suspected cocaine in the vehicle and on him.

The man faces charges of possession of a controlled substance and was taken to the Benton County Jail.

He was later released from custody on a citation.

What can I say ... it was a perfect convergence of stereotypes: Cops at coffee shops - Coke-head searching for a jolt - Suspicious natures and behaviors ... you can't write this stuff this funny!

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