Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Costco says 'No' to Christmas...literally

In a letter sent to fellow low-brows Wildmon, the founder of that cluster-fuck of religo-loonys, the un-American Family-less ASS0ciation, implores his brethren morons to whine even more about their self deluded 'they declared war on xmas' fanatical lunacy they spout every year right about now.

To Wit:
Costco has 520 stores nationwide. But you will not find "Christmas" in a single store.

That's because Costco says it will not use the term "Christmas" on its website or in its stores.
Instead, Costco is telling customers it purposely chooses to use the generic "holiday" verbiage.
You know, they stock holiday gifts, not Christmas gifts.

Last week, a customer wrote to Costco and asked this direct question – "Does Costco use the word
'Christmas' in your store advertising or on any signs anywhere in your stores during the Christmas season?"
Kory Rosacrans, staff manager for Costco replied, "I guess the answer would be No."

Costco wants you to do your "Christmas" shopping with them,
while refusing to recognize that Christmas even exists.

Take Action!

Do what I'm doing. WRITE TO COSTCO and bitch like the religiously-insane wing-nut you are.
We have two wars going badly and our economy is dying but the only thing on my mind is punishing American businesses who fail to jump through my idiotic rhetorical hoops.

Sincerely, Donald E Wildmon,

Founder and Chairman, American "Hummer" Association

Do what they are doing?!

I am going to shop at Costco simply because they are standing up to these whack-jobs and so should everyone else with a pulse who wants to.

(Editors Note: OK, so the last paragraph of the letter was edited to properly and more accurately reflect the intent and purpose of the letter during the editorial process ... so what of it!?)

For these severely screwed-up individuals ... Go to hell!

For the rest of us ... Happy Holidays, be it xmas, Hanukkah, Kwanza, Zippie-de-do-dah, or whatever.

By the way to all you not learned in the proper spelling of xmas ... it is just that x-m-a-s.

The Roman catholic church's liturgy of christ's mass is another whole ball game.

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