Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Dimbulb wannbe sacked

In what is a growing trend among radio stations the local Dimbulb imitator Jeff Katz was canned by WBT.

Dismal ratings and sagging advertising revenue due to people just being sick and tired of them are leading many stations to jettison their wing-nut loudmouths faster than a fart dissipates in a wind storm.

Reactions to Jeff Katz's dismissal have been overwhelmingly positive with the majority of the comments along the lines of:

“I’m glad he’s gone, this guy, all he would do is the negative.” Or if you disagreed with Katz you were cut off the air during the call portion of the show.

As this trend continues we will regain our airwaves for sanity and civility and good ol' rock'n'roll!
And rapidly, too!

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