Friday, December 12, 2008

English town names streets after Stones songs

Are you looking to live on Satisfaction Street?
Or, maybe, Ruby Tuesday Drive?
If so, Dartford is the place to go.
Streets there are being named after classic Rolling Stones hits in honor of local heroes Mick Jagger and Keith Richards.

The ties to the town just east of London are strong: Jagger was born there and attended elementary school there, meeting Richards when both were schoolboys.

According to local legend, the two later met at the Dartford train station and talked about forming a band that went on to become the world-conquering Stones.

The new Stones streets are part of a major new housing development that will also include some businesses.
One road will be named "Sympathy Street," derived from the Stones' sinister classic "Sympathy for the Devil."
Others will be called "Cloud Close," "Rainbow Close" and "Dandelion Row" after other Stones songs.
There will also be "Stones Avenue" and "Little Red Walk" from "Little Red Rooster," the blues classic covered by the Stones in their early days.

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