Friday, December 5, 2008

From the Inbox

Mark in Charlotte, NC says:
"You nailed it on November 4th when you said Perdue and Hagan would be the day's winners in NC."
I also said so before November 4. 2008, as well.

Hans writes:
I like your blog. It makes me think and practise my English.

Sue in Middlesex says:
Great stories and poetry and I loved your recipe!

Honda says:
My friends and I read your blog everyday at University.
(Ed. Note: they're in school somewhere in Japan around Tokyo)

Phyllis has this to say:
Can I have your baby?!

anonymous writes:

You Liberal
(expletive deleted) you.
(Normally I would not redact the expletive but this way it gives it more absurdity and therefore more hilarity - and as ever they won't leave their name when they rail against you)

Karen at Truth Center writes:
... A refreshing look and a scathing eye for the idiocies and beauties that are a part of life.

(Damn I love that review)

Walter from somewhere in the Great White North says:
It's a wonderful read.

Patel writes:

An American blog that is a world citizen. There are Gods then!

(You've been reading too many wing-nut blogs, there Patel. There are many American blogs that are 'world citizens'. But thanks for noticing.)

Michelle writes to say:

These are just some of the things laying about in the Inbox amid the spam and still more spam and 'legitimate' offers for male enhancement, a Nigerian millionaire's money and enlargement of either the lower male anatomy or the upper female anatomy that clutter the pile on the floor.

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