Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Georgia screws the nation

Folks, the people in Georgia have fucked the nation over by re-electing Chambliss to the Senate.
And they wonder why people laugh when they say they are from Georgia!?

Chambliss has sworn to be a stonewall and a roadblock to any attempt at changing how things are done in Washington or changing how the nation is governed and the betterment of the poor and working people of the nation ... the very things the American people want.

So the 'do nothing' congress of the last two years - because of the repugican's record number of filibusters and outright opposition to any legislation introduced by anyone not of the wing-nut variety (including true conservatives) - will continue so they can use that 'do nothing' rally cry in the 2010 elections ... it did not work in 2008, but when has reality ever stood in the way of the wing-nuts.

We can thank the idiots in Georgia for this crap and the shit we will see until the next election when more repugicans will lose their seats.

To all the people in Georgia who supported Martin we thank you ... you prove that at least there are some signs of intelligence in the state, unfortunately there appears to be very little of it.

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