Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Harper is not right ... ahem, correct that is

To let you know ALL neo-cons be they homegrown crazies here in the USA or elsewhere are the same - exactly.

In Canada a banding together of the majority parties to oust the unresponsive and uncooperative minority party of the conservatives and Stephen Harper has been called 'undemocratic' by the same said Harper ranting against the majority for attempting to be democratic and let the majority rule.

One Canadian blogger puts it this way:

"The proposed coalition could be the most representative government of my lifetime, it could perhaps be the most democratic government in Canadian history."

It is painfully obvious that neo-cons don't deal well with reality (hell, they don't deal with it at all).
And in typical call it something other than what it is in hopes of distracting the mindless, Harper is crying foul trying to call the most democratic of means of governance undemocratic.
Pathetic really.

It is a good thing they are tossing him and his party out on their collective arses.

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