Wednesday, December 3, 2008

How companies are run

In the beginning management came up with a plan.

And the plan was based on assumptions
And the assumptions were without form
And the plan was completely without substance and was void
And darkness fell upon the faces of the workers
And they spoke unto their project leaders saying: “it’s a can of shit and it stinks”

And the project leader went unto the manager and said: “it is a pail of dung and none can stand the odor thereof’

And the manager went unto the senior manager and said unto him: “it is a container of excrement and it is very strong such that none here may abide it”

And the senior manager went unto the department general manager and said unto him: “it contains that which aids plant growth and is very strong”

And the chief general manager went unto the chief executive officer and said unto him: “it promotes growth and is very powerful”

And the chief executive officer went to the board of directors and said unto them: “this powerful new plan will actively promote the growth and efficiency of our new business.”

And the board of directors looked upon the plan
And saw that it was good
And the plan became policy.

And that is how companies are run!!

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