Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Iraqi official says he's quitting over shoe-tosser

Iraq's parliament speaker announced his resignation Wednesday after a parliamentary session descended into chaos as lawmakers argued about whether to free a journalist who threw his shoes at the shrub.

After arguments erupted among lawmakers over the fate of the journalist Muntadhar al-Zeidi, the speaker, Mahmoud al-Mashhadani said: "I have no honor leading this parliament and I announce my resignation." He did not offer a position on whether al-Zeidi should be freed.


So, the saga continues ...

The shrub got less than what he deserves, but history will not let it remain that way - he will get 'what's coming to him' ... everyone does ... and in his case I don't think it will be a bed of rose petals - the thorns maybe, but definitely not the petals.

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