Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Massachusetts man melting snow with blowtorch ignites home

This is why the rest of us know Yankees aren't too bright ...

Fire officials in New Bedford, Massachusetts, say a man using a blowtorch to melt ice on his back porch ended up setting his house on fire, causing up to $30,000 in damage.

Fire Capt. Scott Kruger said that no on was injured during Monday's incident at the three-story home.

Kruger says the man was using a torch hooked up to a 20-pound propane cylinder. He got too close to the building's wood frame and ignited the vinyl siding. The fire quickly spread into the building's second- and third-floor apartments.

It took 25 firefighters to subdue the blaze that damaged bedrooms in the upstairs units, and caused damage to the structure and wiring.

The homeowner will not be charged.


Au contraire ... he will be charged (and laughed at) by the contractor who repairs his home.

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