Monday, December 1, 2008

The Morons are still at it

Like a fly stuck to fly paper who knows it is dead but it keeps on trying to flap its wings the repugicans are still trying to say Obama is not a citizen of the United States and therefore cannot be president.

Wrong on every front or angle they trot out they even resort to calling Obama an usurper and will never be obeyed as president by 'honest Americans' in a document swirling the sewers around Chicago. (If you want you can see it here. Warning it is a PDF file.)

If anyone is the usurper it is the shrub who was never elected by popular or electoral vote to the office of president. Obama WAS elected both by popular and electoral vote and by the widest margin in history in both.

So the morons needs to get off the very, very dead horse of the 'Obama is not a citizen' crap. Not only is it patently wrong it is also stinking to high heaven about now.

Obama's mother WAS a citizen of the United States, born in the Heartland of America making any of her children regardless of their place of birth citizens as well.

Obama happened to be born in Hawaii which was a state before his birth and even if it was not a state it was a commonwealth territory before that and he would still be a citizen due to the fact his mother was a citizen despite it being a territory.

But what can we say a moron is a moron ...

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