Friday, December 5, 2008

Our Sister Blog

Don't forget to check out our sister blog: The Naked, The Nude and The Nekkid
Don't be fooled by the title, it is not just naked pictures and stories about sex.

Some of the things over there are:

Cheer spreads like a touchy-feely virus

Amsterdam fights marijuana crackdown

Study finds 1 in 5 young adults has a personality disorder

Judge blocks suspensions of Vikings' Williamses

$200k worth of inflatable boobs lost at sea

OK, so the last one has a bit of 'blue' to it but it is not what you think!

So be sure to check it out and find out why there are so many readers over there as well.
And no they are not all the same readers. In fact only about a third of Carolina Naturally readers also read The Naked, The Nude and the Nekkid and the total numbers of readers is virtually the same.

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