Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Pawnshops going uptown

According to the Wall Street Journal ...
People pulling up to pawnshops today are driving Cadillacs and Bmws

...Lee Amberg, owner of AA Classic Windy City Jewelry & Loan in affluent Evanston, Illinois, said he's been seeing Cartier watches, two-carat diamonds, David Yurman jewelry and pieces from Tiffany's.
One client, he said, brought in a fur coat from Saks Fifth Avenue that retailed at $9,000. She told him she needed a loan to help buy private-school uniforms for her child.

Read more in the - Wall Street Journal

In another sure sign the economy's tanking - the 'well-to-do' are pawning their baubles. My oh, my what is the world coming to, when the wealthy have to live like everybody else!?!
Just think that mother had to buy all those private school uniforms rather than let her spawn attend classes with the unwashed masses - we can't have her precious rubbing elbows with the 'help' now can we?

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