Saturday, December 6, 2008

Police chief urges struggling parents not to steal

In another sign of how bad the world economy is due to the repugicans:

A British police chief has warned financially strapped parents not to steal gifts for their children this Christmas.

Cambridgeshire's Chief Constable Julie Spence says parents shouldn't give in to the temptation to shoplift toys they can't afford.
In a podcast to her force's Web site, she says: "What might start out as an idea to keep a child happy could finish with a criminal record, a substantial financial penalty and the social stigma of being known as a thief.
Spence says: "Don't be pressured into stealing. Nothing can ever be worth that final sacrifice."

Britain's economy has been battered by the global financial meltdown, and a recent leaked government document predicted the economic turmoil would result in a rise in crime.

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