Friday, December 5, 2008

Three Presidents

Presidents 41,42 & 43 were flying across the country.
With them was a college student traveling and an old man.

While in flight, the intercom came on and the pilot said, “ We just lost an engine, but nothing to worry about. We have three left”.
A little while later the intercom came on again. “ We just lost a second engine, but no frets. We still have two”.
30 seconds later, once more the intercom came on.” We just lost the third engine, There are 4 parachutes in the closet in the rear of the plane. Good luck. This is a recording”.

President 41, George H.W. Bush says, “ I was president of the US. I was successful in getting Saddam Hussein out of Kuwait. Yes, I did say “ Read my lips” and raised taxes, but hey, everybody makes mistakes. I feel I deserve one”. So he takes one and jumps out the door.

President 42, Bill Clinton says,” I was president of the U.S. I over saw a great economic expansion and balanced the budget. Even got a surplus. Yeah, there was that cigar thing and the “ It wasn’t sex” thing, but hey everybody makes mistakes. I feel I deserve one”. So he takes a parachute and goes out the door.

President 43, George W. Bush says, “ I am the decider and I’ve decided I’m taking this one” So, he takes it and goes out the door.

The old man says to the student, “ You take the last chute. I am old and lived a good , long life. You are young. You take it.

The student replies, “Not to worry. Here is one for you and here is one for me. The Decider decided to take my backpack."

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