Friday, December 26, 2008

Toussie or not Toussie

The shrub has rescinded a pardon issued to Isaac Toussie, after it came to light that Toussie's father was a big-bucks donor to the repugicans in 2008.

The announcement of the pardon apparently wasn't the pardon itself, and thus the perpetually-incompetent cabal can plausibly take it back, but this article by an associate professor of law at Michigan State University suggests that the answer is a little vague and that Toussie has grounds to press for the pardon he was proffered.

The implications are, of course, much larger than Toussie's case -- some people are expecting some pretty outrageous pardons from the shrub in his last days, and the power to revoke pardons would be a heck of a handy tool for any Obama-era investigations of the cabal's crimes.

But more realistically, there's precious little to suggest that Obama's people have any interest in justice for the cabal's criminal junta, so none of this means much unless you're friend or family of Isaac Toussie. (see details at Concurring Opinions)

As the Toussie matter unfolded, the New York Times had nothing to say about Toussie's father's contributions to the repugicans, until long after bloggers brought it to the Times' attention. (details at Raw Story)

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