Monday, December 29, 2008

Yes, Ohio, there is a Santa Claus!

And in the small town of Ashland, Ohio, about 50 miles southwest of Cleveland, Santa’s name is Lance.

Lance, inc., actually.

In a rarity in recent times, Lance inc. is in the news -- not for something negative like excessive executive pay in the face of shareholder losses and employee firings – but for compassion and kindness.
For no apparent business reason, the snack food corporation swept into Ashland and gave 274 unemployed bakery workers a reason to celebrate this year.

The story begins in October when the Archway cookie factory was closed by its owners, a private equity firm (read: tax dodge for repugicans and/or their cronies).
Despite assurances that the closing was temporary, within days, the locks were changed, bankruptcy was filed, and the almost 300 employees were left without jobs or benefits.

Even in Ashland, hard hit by the economy and losers of over 200,000 jobs during the shrub and cabal junta, the closing came as a blow. of last week, 60 of the original 274 Archway employees were back to work, with their seniority, health benefits, and pay intact, as Lance re-opened the bakery with plans for full-capacity production by the end of 2009.
Not satisfied with bringing good cheer to the 60 rehires, Lance gave each of the former archway employees a $1,500.00 gift card and the promise that bringing all of them back to work is the intention.

Full story at

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