Thursday, May 29, 2008

Who Knew!

In 1945, John Webber's grandfather, a scrap metal dealer, gave his son a random mug to play with that he had picked up along the way. John always thought it was brass and kept it with a bunch of other random stuff in a shoebox under his bed. Then when John, now 70, was moving out of his home, he decided to have the mug appraised. Turns out, the mug is gold and was made in the third or fourth century BC. It's expected to sell at auction for nearly a million bucks. Antiques Roadshow, eat your heart out! From AFP:  Us.Yimg.Com P Afp 20080528 Capt.Cps.Mod51.280508142749.Photo00.Photo.Default-512X390Webber... told The Guardian newspaper that his grandfather had a "good eye" for antiques and picked up "all sorts" as he plied his trade in the town of Taunton in south-west England.

"Heaven knows where he got this, he never said," he added, revealing that as a child, he used the cup for target practice with his air gun.

I have got to go check out the stuff in the back of the garage and the corner of the attic now for sure!

The Top 20

For Keeping Blood Pressure Down

The top twenty foods for keeping your blood pressure down are:

* Apples
* Apricots
* Avocados
* Bananas
* Broccoli
* Brussel Sprouts
* Cantaloupe
* Corn-On-The-Cob
* Eggplant
* Honeydew Melon
* Nectarines
* Oranges
* Pasta
* Potatoes
* Raisins
* Rice
* Squash
* Unsaturated Oils
* Watermelon
* Fruit Juices (except Tomato)

Foods highlighted in red are also especially low in sodium, high in potassium and low in cholesterol.

Surprised by some of the foods on the list? I was and I wasn't - seeing as how I like most of those foods listed ( you all know of my aversion to Broccoli) and my having low blood pressure - it was 100/60 the other day when I was in severe pain from the back muscles knotting up according to the nurse.
You just can't rile me, even in the most pain I have ever experienced I remained calm, cool and collected, ok, granted the pulse was racing - at a frantic 50 beats per minute.

I have been eating the 'right stuff' all my life. How about you?

Dunkin Donuts

Oh, how the screech monkeys howl!

Dunkin Donuts has pulled and ad featuring that paragon of Islamo-terrorism TV Chef Rachel Ray who according to the screeching monkeys was wearing a keffiyeh.

"The keffiyeh, for the clueless, is the traditional scarf of Arab men that has come to symbolize murderous Palestinian jihad."

‘‘Popularized by Yas
ser Arafat and a regular adornment of Muslim terrorists appearing in beheading and hostage-taking videos, the apparel has been mainstreamed by both ignorant and not-so-ignorant fashion designers, celebrities, and left-wing icons,’’ shrilly blathers Michelle Malkin in her syndicated sewage pit.

Bowing to the noise Dunkin Donuts pulled the ad featuring this photo of Ray who is actually wearing a white scarf with a paisley pattern and long fringe - a Keffiyeh doesn't have fringe by the way, but that minor detail isn't going to stop the screech monkeys.
Also, for the really ignorant - the screech monkeys - what they are referring to as a Keffiyeh is in reality a Shemagh. Dang it, ol' reality just isn't a concept they can get their hands on, now is it?!

Can you hear the laughter? I can, and it is coming from every corner of the globe as the world looks in on these idiots and shakes their heads in bewilderment at their antics.

Functionaries Are ... The Poll(s)


I have an ongoing poll on several forums about how people perceive functionaries.

You know those individuals who fill the meaningless slots in the machinery of modern society and those self anointed individuals "in charge" of whatever, be it the local PTA or neighborhood watch, etc.

Every poll on each forum is running thusly:

A necessary evil. - 40%
The bane of modern society. - 50%
Petty tyrants. - 20%
Clueless drones. - 25%

Give or take a couple of percentage points.

The polls allow for multiple answers so a fuller picture of how we truly view those who are functionaries.

They do not hold up well in the view of the poll's respondents when a full 50% of all respondents think of them as the Bane of Modern Society.

Not surprising is it?

So to all you functionaries out there - take heed, we do not necessarily like you, we tolerate you and in some cases distinctly dislike you such as the prig insisting on enforcing property standards to the letter and beyond in the community where you live or the holier than thou one who demands all say, do and believe as they tell you to.

For all the functionaries who actually perform a real 'function' needed for modern society's continued existence ... sorry, but you are painted with the same brush as the self anointed ones and they make an ugly picture.

Number 600

That's right, 600 Posts.
9,517 Regular Readers.

Not bad, not bad at all for a little ol'Blog that's not quite 0ne year old - and one with a hiatus of a few months when I was busy with a thing called a Life.

Eschewing the staid format of most blogs has been a boon here, where readers expect to be made to think even if it is just for a moment and just for hilarity's sake ... not everything is a matter of supreme urgency and carries dire consequences although some would think that the way they behave.

A quick perusal of the Friends list will testify to the diverse and growing group of individuals who make up it's readers and fans.

Thought for the Day

"What's so funny about Peace, Love and Understanding?"

~ Elvis Costello