Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Old man fights robbers


Two masked gunmen came into the Subway just after 11 p. m. There was a lone diner, John Lovell. After robbing the cashier, the two men attempted to shove Lovell into a bathroom and rob him as well. They got his money, but then Lovell pulled his handgun and opened fire on the criminal assholes. He shot one of the thieves in the head and chest and the other in the head. Lovell was in the Marine Corps.

He is not expected to be charged, authorities said. ''He was in fear for his life; '' Detective Rettig said, 'These criminals ought to realize that most men in their 70's have military backgrounds and aren't intimidated by idiots'.

Something tells me this old Marine wasn't 'in fear for his life', even though his
life was definitely at risk.
The only thing he could be charged with is participating in an unfair fight.
One 71 - year young Marine against two punks.

Simper Fi, brother Simper Fi.

Seven Reasons Why the Gym is Better Than Therapy

I have a love affair with my gym. She’s not much to look at: a rubber track and weight room in a dank basement, but appearances aren’t everything. She’s there on my best days and on my worst days. We never fight, and she doesn’t care what I look like as long as I give her my full attention for a few hours a week.

I was talking with a fellow gym goer recently (the gym and I have an open relationship). He mentioned that whenever he is facing something frustrating, he goes to the gym. The gym is his form of therapy, and if I think about it, it’s my stress release too. So, I’d like to present my list of ten reasons the gym is better than therapy.

Read more from 7 Reasons Why the Gym is Better Than Therapy

Just an observation, mind you

You know what Denver is nice this time of year.

Faux News gets their comeuppance ... live

Skippy the Bush Kangaroo posted this yesterday and it bears repeating:

The following video report, as seen live on fox "news" yesterday, demonstrates that the far-right "news" channel has no clue what the words "raucous", "out of control" or "freedom of speech" actually mean, as "reporter" Griff Jenkins is seen taunting DNC convention demonstrators, only to receive chants of "fuck fox news", live on air, in the bargain...

Those morons at faux news can't even discern when they are being told to take a long walk off a short pier and 'blame' those that are telling them to take that walk of failing to speaking up for what they believe ... you got to love the stupidity of faux news - not!
Then they try to link the Chicago riots of 1968 to the Democratic convention in Denver saying that is what those that won't talk to them are planning to 'recreate' ... ah, the noise machine at work folks.

Future Tech

Remember: today's science fiction is tomorrow's science fact ...

The military is looking at some pretty radical ideas in future tech.

For example -
Drugs that make soldiers want to fight. Robots linked directly to their controllers’ brains. Lie-detecting scans administered to terrorist suspects as they cross U.S. borders.

These are just a few of the military uses imagined for cognitive science — and if it’s not yet certain whether the technologies will work, the military is certainly taking them very seriously.

It’s way too early to know which — if any — of these technologies is going to be practical,” said Jonathan Moreno, a Center for American Progress bioethicist and author of Mind Wars: Brain Research and National Defense. “But it’s important for us to get ahead of the curve. Soldiers are always on the cutting edge of new technologies.”

Read Wired for the full story

TSA declares war on large breasts

Yet another misadventure from our fellows over at the TSA!

A large-breasted woman flying from Oakland to Boston was accosted by the TSA when the underwire in her bra set off the magnetometer. She was given a choice: allow her breasts to be fondled or give up on flying. Instead, she raised a stink:
Kates asked to see a supervisor and then the supervisor's supervisor. He told her that underwire bras were the leading item that set off the metal detectors, Kates said.

If that's the case, Kates said, the equipment must be overly sensitive. And if the TSA is engaging in extra brassiere scrutiny, then other women are suffering similar humiliation, Kates thought.

The Constitution bars unreasonable searches and seizures, Kates reminded the TSA supervisor, and scrutinizing a woman's brassiere is surely unreasonable, she said.

The supervisor told her she had the choice of submitting to a pat-down in a private room or not flying. Kates offered a third alternative, to take off her bra and try again, which the TSA accepted.

Arbitrary, no-exceptions "security" rules unduly punish innocents -- people with surgical pins in their bodies are now subject to discriminatory treatment when they fly, as are those whose names are similar to aliases used by suspected terrorists, and they're now joined by women with large breasts. Free societies shouldn't punish the innocent to get at the guilty.

Delayed by her bra, air passenger is indignant

The TSA dolts shouldn't be allowed a free show. They should have to pay like the rest of us - and through the nose, too, at the local Titty Bar

North Korea claims to have invented anti-hunger noodles

A North Korean propaganda release claims that the hunger-stricken country has developed a "hunger-delaying" soy-protein noodle that doesn't induce the same carb-based hunger pangs that starch-based noodles cause:
According to the newspaper, which is seen as closely linked to the Pyongyang leadership, the new noodles have twice as much protein and fives times as much fat as ordinary noodles.

"When you consume ordinary noodles (made from wheat or corn), you may soon feel your stomach empty. But this soybean noodle delays such a feeling of hunger," it said on its website.

The noodles would be available soon across North Korea, the newspaper said.

An estimated one million people starved to death in North Korea in the late 1990s after natural disasters and government mismanagement devastated the country's economy.

Okay, now they have their noodles, what are they going to do with them? Produce enough to end world hunger? Or, are they just off their 'noodles'?

Reaping what they sow

With the wingnut mouthpieces calling for riots Denver and killing Liberals on Hate Radio is it any wonder this happened?
There are just enough wackos listening to those spewing troglodytes to take them at their word.
What is notable is one of these bozos in named Adolf ... does that strike you as odd, too?


Federal authorities are looking into reports that a man arrested with rifles, ammunition and drugs in his truck may have made threats against Barack Obama, officials said Monday.

Two other men were arrested in the case."It's premature to say that it was a valid threat or that these folks have the ability to carry it out," said a U.S. government official familiar with the investigation.
The official spoke on condition of anonymity because the investigation is ongoing.

Obama will be in Denver later this week to accept the Democratic nomination for president.

FBI spokeswoman Kathy Wright confirmed the FBI was investigating the reports but declined to elaborate.
The Joint Information Center - a command set up by Denver, state and federal authorities to field media inquiries during the Democratic convention - said it had no immediate comment.

Tharin Gartrell, 28, was arrested during a traffic stop early Sunday by police in the eastern Denver suburb of Aurora. In his truck, officers found two rifles, including one with a scope; a bulletproof vest; boxes of ammunition; walkie-talkies; and suspected narcotics, said Aurora police Detective Marcus Dudley.

Police alerted federal authorities, who soon arrested Nathan Johnson, 32, at a hotel in Denver, Dudley said.
A third man, Shawn Robert Adolf, 33, was arrested at a suburban Glendale hotel, Dudley said.
Adolf allegedly tried to escape officers by jumping from a sixth-floor window.
He was hospitalized and was being held on $1 million bond for several outstanding warrants involving drug charges.
Johnson also was being held on drug charges and his bond was unknown, Dudley said.

It wasn't known if the three men had attorneys, Dudley said.
Dudley didn't say what tied the men together but that more arrests were possible.

One of the rifles was stolen, and authorities had traced it to Kansas, Dudley said.
He declined to say to whom it belonged.

Aurora police alerted federal officials because of heightened security surrounding the Democratic convention, Dudley said.
"Clearly we found there are federal implications - otherwise we would not have notified them," he said.
"The weapons clearly would cause great concern."

U.S. Attorney Troy Eid said the case was under investigation.
"We're absolutely confident there is no credible threat to the candidate, the Democratic National Convention, or the people of Colorado," Eid said in a statement.

Officials with the FBI, Secret Service, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, and Aurora police set a news conference for this (Tuesday) afternoon.
Authorities in Denver are trying to find out whether the reported threats to Obama were valid.
"It could also turn out that these were nothing but a bunch of knuckleheads, meth-heads," the U.S. government official said.