Thursday, November 13, 2008

No communion for Obama supporters

A South Carolina Roman Catholic priest has told his parishioners that they should refrain from receiving Holy Communion if they voted for Barack Obama because the Democratic president-elect supports abortion, and supporting him "constitutes material cooperation with intrinsic evil."

The Rev. Jay Scott Newman said in a letter distributed Sunday to parishioners at St. Mary's Catholic Church in Greenville that they are putting their souls at risk if they take Holy Communion before doing penance for their vote.

"Voting for a pro-abortion politician when a plausible pro-life alternative exists constitutes material cooperation with intrinsic evil, and those Catholics who do so place themselves outside of the full communion of Christ's Church and under the judgment of divine law. Persons in this condition should not receive Holy Communion until and unless they are reconciled to God in the Sacrament of Penance, lest they eat and drink their own condemnation."


And it is lunatics such as this that pervert faith in the name of religion.

This maniac needs to be defrocked and ousted from any position of any semblance of authority for this asinine lunacy.

However, this is the catholic church we are talking about - the most repressed and repressive, atrocity committing, hypocritical organization in the history of mankind (even the shrub and the cabal haven't managed to be as despicable yet ... close, but not yet, nor even the NAZIs of the 1930s and 1940s in Germany) - so it is not surprising that this 'priest' came out with this horseshit.

Science News

This is way cool ...

Astronomers capture first images of new planets

The first-ever pictures of planets outside our solar system were released today in two studies.

Using the latest techniques in space technology, astronomers at NASA and the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory used direct-imaging techniques to capture pictures of four newly discovered planets orbiting stars outside our solar system.

"After all these years, it's amazing to have a picture showing not one but three planets," said physicist Bruce Macintosh of the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in Livermore, California.

"The discovery of the HR 8799 system is a crucial step on the road to the ultimate detection of another Earth," he said.

Both sets of research findings were published Thursday in Science Express, a journal of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.

As of this moment ...

4196 Brave men and women will not be returning from Iraq


555 Brave men and women will not be returning from Afghanistan


Mystery of the screaming mummy

It was a blood-curdling discovery. The mummy of a young man with his hands and feed bound, his face contorted in an eternal scream of pain. But who was he and how did he die?

On a scorching hot day at the end of June 1886, Gaston Maspero, head of the Egyptian Antiquities Service, was unwrapping the mummies of the 40 kings and queens found a few years earlier in an astonishing hidden cache near the Valley of the Kings.

The 1881 discovery of the tombs, in the Deir El Bahri valley, 300 miles south of Cairo, had been astonishing and plentiful. Hidden from the world for centuries were some of the great Egyptian pharaohs - Rameses the Great, Seti I and Tuthmosis III. Yet this body, buried alongside them, was different, entombed inside a plain, undecorated coffin that offered no clues to the deceased's identity.

Read the rest here.

Vick expects to play again?!

From the "When pigs fly and humans walk on the sun" Department:

Imprisoned NFL quarterback Michael Vick expects to return to pro football, according to his bankruptcy attorneys who laid out a plan to pay creditors based in part on his anticipated earnings.

"The Debtor has every reason to believe that upon his release, he will be reinstated into the NFL, resume his career and be able to earn a substantial living," Vick's attorneys wrote in a disclosure statement filed before a hearing Thursday in U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Norfolk.

This moron thinks he is going to play in the NFL again?

No one will want the stigma, the scrutiny or the all around bad karma of being associated with him.

You don't run a dog fighting ring and everyone just ups and forgets about it just because you go to jail for a short while.

And I Quote

"Obama held his first news conference as president-elect.

Reporters were confused because he didn't make up any words and everything he said made sense."

~ Jimmy Kimmel

Ted Stevens, Walking the Bridge to Nowhere


All week, pundits have been assuming that Alaska Sen. Ted Stevens miraculously survived his re-election bid.

No one knew how he did it.

We're starting to get an answer: He actually didn't survive the race.

Alaska is big and weird and it takes ages to count early ballots from close races, and the state counted 53,000 ballots yesterday that put Democrat Mark Begich in the lead.

Mark Begich (D) - 132,196
Ted Stevens (R) - 131,382

If Begich even builds a 0.51 percent lead over Stevens (he's at a 0.29 percent lead now), he escapes a recount and takes over the seat.

This would, among other things, close Sarah Palin's escape hatch out of Alaskan politics.

It would also lock down 58 Democratic Senate seats (counting Joe Lieberman), with the Minnesota Senate race looking better for them every day.

In Minnesota, Democrat Al Franken has gained hundreds of votes as the state recounts ballots, and the Republicans have shown their panic with lawsuits and op-eds trying to cast doubt on the count.

Ailing Teen Burgled While At Fundraiser

From the "A new low in Man's inhumanity to man" Department:

Donors are moving quickly to replace items stolen from an ailing Ohio teenager while he was out attending a fundraiser in his honor.

A student group is purchasing another TV for 16-year-old Sam McCready, whose new widescreen television was taken during Saturday night's break-in at his family's home in Bellville.

A Best Buy store plans to replace the stolen Sony PlayStation console.

Additionally, a security firm and a locksmith are offering their services to the family.

Sam lost both kidneys to Goodpasture's syndrome, a rare autoimmune disease, and travels 60 miles to Akron three times a week for dialysis.

The family has struggled with medical expenses as the boy has gone through repeated hospitalizations and chemotherapy treatments.

He is hoping to eventually be well enough for a kidney transplant.

Gifts and the proceeds from Saturday's fundraiser were to be presented to the family Thursday.


When the thieves are caught they should be ... well I am not sure what the fitting punishment should be ... but images of red hot pokers and rectal cavities seem to be the most reoccurring of the myriad of images brought to mind by this story as to what they deserve.

What is was, was football

Before Andy Griffith was everyone's favorite sheriff Andy Taylor he was one of the best 'storytellers' around and "What is was, was football" is Andy at his best!

Thirteen more unlawfully sent to prison

Courts in Burma (that which the junta claims to be Myanmar) sentenced more than a dozen activists to prison Thursday in a continued judicial crackdown on the country's pro-democracy movement that has drawn international condemnation.

The verdicts came after the United States, United Nations, and Britain denounced long prison terms given to more than 30 democracy activists in military-run Burma earlier this week.

Some were sentenced at closed-door trials to 65 years in jail.

They included several who played prominent roles ahead of mass pro-democracy protests that were crushed by the ruling junta in September last year.

"These brave democracy activists are peaceful citizens whose only crime was to challenge the regime's illegitimate rule," State Department spokesman Robert Wood told reporters Wednesday.

True Logo

Now that the world knows them for what they really the repugicans finally released their true logo today!

Oh, Yeah

McCain in his first interview since losing the election by the biggest margin ever said when asked how he was feeling:
I feel good.
Every night when I go to bed I sleep like a baby and I wake up every two hours crying.

And I Quote

Happiness is sitting down to watch slides of your neighbor's vacation and finding out he spent two weeks at a nudist colony.

~ Johnny Carson.

This Just In ...

Dirty air in California kills more people annually than do car crashes.

Science News

Archaeologists in central Syria have unearthed the remnants of a 1,200-year-old church believed to be the largest ever discovered in this Mideast country, an antiquities official said.

Walid al-Assaad, the head of the Palmyra Antiquities and Museums Department said the church, dating back to the 8th century, was discovered recently by a joint Syrian-Polish archaeological team.

The discovery took place at an excavation site in the ancient town of Palmyra, some 153 miles northeast of the capital Damascus, the official said but did not provide a more specific timing.

The church is the fourth to be discovered in Palmyra - once a regional trade center and now an archaeological treasure trove that even contains oldest layers from the prehistoric era in Syria.

Exposed for what he truly is!

O'Reilly on the Election results ...

Finally! Bill O'Reilly without any makeup!
Exposed for what he truly is!

Daily Horoscope

My horoscope for today says:

You should be feeling pretty good.

Damn, they're good!

I am feeling pretty good today.

From 1982

Hard to believe this song is more than a quarter century old!