Friday, January 16, 2009

10 Most Popular Ideas in the "Citizen's Briefing Book" at

10. Increased Funding for Childhood Cancer
9. Boost America's Economy with Legal Online Poker
8. Get the Insurance Companies out the Health Care
7. Revoke the George W. Bush tax cuts for the top 1 %.
6. Increase [miles per gallon] requirements now!
5. Stop using federal resources to undermine states' medicinal marijuana laws
4. The permanent closure of all Torture facilities. (Facilities such as: Guantanamo, and Abu Ghraib)
3. An end to the government sponsored abstinence education to be replaced by an introduction of age appropriate sex education.
2. Ending Marijuana Prohibition
1. Bullet Trains and Light Rail
I'm going out on a limb here and say that legal online poker will not help the economy; too many monkey shines with computer numbers is the heart of the problem as it is, folks.

Also, ending Marijuana prohibition is a good thing only if the prohibition on the use as a street drug is still prohibited ... Hemp (from which derives the drug colloquially known as Pot) has many thousands of other uses we know of - mainly rope and cloth - and more could be found.

I don't have an issue with any of the rest.

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