Monday, January 5, 2009

Alaska trooper says politics slowed drug arrest

A drug investigator says authorities delayed the arrest of a woman tied to governor Sarah Palin's family until after the November election, in which Palin was the repugican vice presidential candidate.

Sherry Johnston - whose son Levi Johnston is engaged to Palin's daughter, Bristol - was arrested December 18, 2008, on six felony drug counts.
She is accused of selling Oxycontin, a strong prescription painkiller, and pleaded not guilty Monday.

Investigator Kyle Young sent an e-mail to the Public Safety Employees Association saying the search warrant of Johnston's house was delayed for political reasons -"It was not allowed to progress in a normal fashion, the search warrant WAS delayed because of the pending election and the Mat Su Drug Unit and the case officer were not the ones calling the shots," Young wrote in the December 30, 2008, e-mail.

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