Saturday, January 17, 2009


The chatter on one forum is about one wing-nut bemoaning the fact that he feels 'put upon' because he espouses bigotry and hatred and then reacts with typical bitterness when he his called for what he is.

He regurgitates the same bile and sputum the wing-nut talking heads spew and then wonders why people point out his errors along with his sympaticos off the edge on the wing-nut fringe.
Who have come out of the fetid swamp they fester in to bemoan alongside him and to attack those that dare to stand and expose them for what they are.

Why are these people so afraid of reality? Why do they hate - people, creativeness, honesty anything new, etc., you name it, so much?

They love to dish out the heat but can not stand the heat when it comes back at them ... why is that?

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