Friday, January 16, 2009

Doctor cleared in British terror plot free on bail

A Jordanian doctor cleared of involvement in botched car bomb attacks in Britain but still facing deportation has been granted bail and freed.

Although neurologist Mohammed Asha was acquitted of involvement in the June 2007 failed car bomb plots in central London and at a Scottish airport, he was ordered sent back to Jordan.
He is appealing that order and was released Friday while the legal process plays out.

Britain's Home Office said Asha was a threat to national security and that there was a risk he would flee if bailed.
But Asha lawyer Stephen Kamlish rejected that Friday.
"What on earth would motivate him to abscond?" said Kamlish, adding that Asha wants to stay in Britain and practice medicine.

Another doctor, Bilal Abdulla, was sentenced to life in prison for his role in the failed attacks.

An accused accomplice, Kafeel Ahmed, died after trying to crash a Jeep loaded with explosives through the entrance doors to Glasgow airport on June 30, 2007.
The car's path was blocked and explosives failed to detonate.

A day earlier, officials said Abdulla and Ahmed parked two cards full of explosives in a busy London neighborhood.
Police said the men didn't get the mixture of oxygen and fuel right to create an explosion.

Ahmed's brother, Sabeel Ahmed, was deported to India after he admitted withholding evidence from police.

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