Sunday, January 11, 2009

Four Mistakes that Sabotage a Home Sale

In these economic times - should you be attempting to sell your house you might want to take these four things to heart ...

1. That distinctive something

You love to walk into your home and smell the scent of orchid air freshener or apple pie baking, but will other folks? -- not so much. Fragrance is a very individual thing, and most experts will tell you that no smell is better than one that might be offensive. Even strong "clean" odors can be a turnoff, so don't spray everything with Febreze or clean with harsh chemicals right before buyers visit. Don't play "welcoming" tunes, either. Your taste in music, whether it's Van Morrison or Van Halen, may not jive with buyers' and is likely to be a distraction.

2. The wallpaper you love

Anything that "dates" your house -- that makes it seem not modern, in need of a re-do, or too aggressively personal -- can make a negative impression on a stranger seeing your house for the first time. Wallpaper and artwork are both seriously subjective, but at least the buyer knows the artwork is going with you; they'll be stuck with removing the wallpaper. These three mini makeovers can make a difference: Remove wallpaper and paint walls a fresh neutral color, replace old linoleum with modern tiles, and edit accessories -- artwork, family photos, and collections -- to a few not-in-your-face pieces.

3. That squeaky door

The little things you may have overlooked (or simply think are charming) may really bother potential buyers. We're talking doors that squeak, don't close completely, or bang against the wall when you open them, or floors that creak ominously when you cross them. What are those bangs, squeaks, or creaks telling people? A) That you don't care enough about your home to do basic maintenance, or B) Your house is so old that major repairs could be around the corner. The lesson: oil your doors, install doorstops, and get a professional in to de-creak your stairs and floors. Sometimes a few well-placed nails can diminish the scariest-sounding creaks.

4. Your hidden treasure

Real estate agents and stagers are often amazed at how home sellers can't see the forest for the trees: they literally do not know the top selling points in their home. Layers of curtains will cover the beautiful lines of an arched window or obscure an amazing city or country view. A couch will be blocking sight lines to the fireplace, which can be an obvious focal point -- or there is so much clutter in the kitchen that no one can see the beautiful polished concrete counter tops. Sellers who take the time and effort to look past their own personal taste and lifestyles to see their home through buyers' eyes, can edit their furnishings so that their home will really shine. If you don't, some buyers will have enough imagination to see past your decorating mistakes, but most won't -- and you'll have missed an opportunity to impress them.

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