Friday, January 9, 2009

French teens charged in attack on Jewish girl

A juvenile court judge filed preliminary charges against four French teenagers accused of attacking a Jewish girl, a judicial official said Friday, amid tensions around Europe over the fighting in Gaza.

Three of the four teenagers are accused of violence with a religious or ethnic motive, and the fourth is accused of failing to prevent a crime, the official said.

The four defendants - aged between 13 and 15 - are not in custody but are under judicial supervision.

Under French law, preliminary charges allow for further investigation before a magistrate determines whether to send the case to trial.

The teenagers are accused of making anti-Semitic insults toward the 14-year-old girl, pushing her to the ground and kicking her as she was leaving school in the northern Paris suburb of Villiers-le-Bel.


This is but one of the cases of the affects and effect of the ongoing violence in Gaza and elsewhere.

This has got to stop!

All 'sides' are wrong in this.

Not so long ago this same report could have been written with only altering two words: Muslim for Jewish and Anti-Muslim for Anti-Semitic.

That is the real crime here!

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