Monday, January 12, 2009

Funny video challenging Barack Obama's citizenship

The wing-nuts are getting funnier and funnier ... What is sad is they think they are being serious.

Charles Platt says:

I'm fascinated by the conspiracy theorists challenging Barack Obama's citizenship. After front-page stories in The Globe this week and last week, there's now this ad which was refused by the major TV networks.

I'm reassured that the Web is facilitating a freedom of the press that didn't quite exist before. The more nutty theories, the better!

I love how they end the farce with - "'OUR' constitution stills means something" when they are the slack-jaws that have been shredding the Constitution of the United States for the last eight years. I have always known they had a different 'constitution' than the rest of us ... nice of them to admit it though.

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