Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Interesting Open Courseware Classes That Anyone Can Take

The web site actually says “weirdest” but they’re really aren’t that weird. Granted I have a much more sophisticated sense of what is weird and what is not than some.

They include:

Magic, Witchcraft, and the Spirit World: You’ll learn all about the spiritual, magical, and “occult” aspects of human behavior in this course. [MIT]

Street-Fighting Mathematics: This course will teach you the art of guessing and solving problems without doing proofs or exact calculations. [MIT]

The Lucifer Effect: Understanding How Good People Turn Evil: This course examines the roots of depravity and cruelty. [MIT]

Democratizing Innovation: This resource examines the trend of user-centered innovation and what that means for the future. [MIT]

Online Best Colleges

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