Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Liars and Fools

For today's edition of Liars and Fools we have the following.

Wingnut heads explode because President Obama gives his first TV interview to Al-Arabiya
Maybe if enough of them explode we can be shed of the lot of them. We can hope.

Robert Reich calls Dimbulb, Handjob, 'Male'kin on their lies
But do you think they noticed?

Wing-nut fact-fudger William Kristol jumps from New York Times to Washington Post
Yeah, like that is going to make him a writer.

Lush Dimbulb is hot under the collar
And this is a bad thing, how?

King (r-Michigan) believes Khalid Sheikh Mohammed wants asylum and American citizenship
He also 'believes' in little green men and the moon is made of cheese - so this is news?

Faux News promotes anti-Obama book filled with "falsehoods and red herrings"
All right, is anyone surprised at this?

Wing-nuts run with absolute nonsense on Guantanamo issue
As if it would be any other way.

Parroting repugican talking points, Dimbulb resumes lying about ACORN
Telling the truth would literally kill the fat bastard ... his body couldn't take the traumatic shock!

Dick(head) Morris reiterates: Obama stimulus plan is a trojan horse filled with socialists
He sees a socialist every time he looks in a mirror, oh, wait vampires can't see their reflection, sorry -forgot there for a moment.

Handjob repeats false calculation of job creation cost
One added to one equals two or at least it does in the real world ... in Handjob's world, who knows?

On Meet the Press, Gregory lets Boehner (r-Ohio) lie repeatedly about terror linked to former Guantanamo prisoners
Boner (excuse me, Boehner) does know how to tie his shoes without a map drawn out for him to follow so why should anyone listen to the blowhard anyway?

Juan Williams: Michelle Obama is 'Stokely Carmichael in a designer dress'
And Juan is such a prize?

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