Thursday, January 29, 2009

Man accused of drunken horse riding in snowstorm

From the "There are some idiots out there" Department:

A man has been cited for public intoxication while riding a white horse during a snowstorm in the northern Wyoming town of Cody. Police said they cited 28-year-old Benjamin Daniels, of Cody, after they received a call at 4 p.m. Sunday from a motorist who was concerned that a man was creating a road hazard by riding his horse on a street in conditions with poor visibility.

Assistant Police Chief George Menig said officers noticed that Daniels was intoxicated after they stopped him to explain that drivers were having difficulty spotting his slow-moving white horse.

Menig said Thursday that Daniels was detained Sunday and released the following day. He will go before a municipal judge later.

A friend of Daniels' picked up the horse.


Riding a white horse in the snow (more so while intoxicated) ... not one of your better ideas to be sure.

Let's call him 'swifty', shall we.

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