Saturday, January 10, 2009

Masked man waited in line to rob bank

Like DUH?!

Masked Robber

A man may have tipped his intentions when he stood in line at a Stow, Ohio, bank wearing a ski mask before staging a holdup.

Police in Stow near Akron say 24-year-old Feliks Goldshtein of Highland Heights was arrested minutes later on Thursday following a brief car chase.

Police say the teller asked the man to take off the mask before being served. At that point the man displayed what turned out to be a toy gun and told the teller to give him all the money. He made off with an undisclosed amount.

Police Captain Rick Myers says it's unusual for a masked robber to wait in line at a bank.

Goldshtein was held at the Summit County Jail Friday on charges of aggravated robbery and failure to comply with a police order.


It never ceases to amaze ... how stupid crooks are!

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