Thursday, January 29, 2009

New Zealand inmate's leisurely stroll stopped by pole

Don't you just love it when real life imitates a slapstick comedy gag!

It was less than a Great Escape.

Two New Zealand prisoners who were handcuffed together as they fled a courthouse foiled their own getaway when they ran to opposite sides of a light pole, slammed into each other and fell to the ground.

Jailers nabbed them as they struggled to their feet.
(laughing their arses off, I'm sure - the jailers that is)

Their escapade on Wednesday was captured by a CCTV camera at Hastings District Court on New Zealand's North Island.

The footage shows the two men trying to make a break for it - but apparently forgetting they were joined at the wrist.


I can't wait for that footage to make it to the net ... it'll be better than any Keystone Kops or Three Stooges skit ever was, I just know it!

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