Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Obama tells GOP no compromise on tax rebates

President Obama told Republican House leaders Tuesday he plans to stand firm on the part of his $825 billion economic recovery plan that calls for tax rebates for nearly all working Americans -- including those who make too little to owe income taxes.

According to two Republican aides familiar with Obama's Capitol Hill meeting, Rep. Dave Camp, R-Michigan, the ranking member on the Ways and Means committee, asked Obama if there was room for negotiation on the structure of the biggest tax cut in the bill.

"Feel free to whack me over the head because I probably will not compromise on that part," the president replied, according to one of the aides, who requested anonymity because the member of Congress relaying information to the aide from inside the meeting wished to remain anonymous.

Obama supports the tax rebates for those who don't pay income taxes because they do pay payroll taxes for Social Security and Medicare.

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