Friday, January 9, 2009


"We’ve had a count, we’ve had a recount, we’ve had a recount of the recount.
It’s been three weeks since the election and it’s time for Gore to be a statesman and give it up."
-- Mitch the Bitch (r-Ky.), Nov 27, 2000

"The race in Minnesota is not over. It’s well-established in the Senate: The way you get sworn in and the way you get seated is to show up with an election certificate. And that is determined under Minnesota law."
-- Mitch the Bitch (r-Ky.), January 6, 2009

In case Mitch the Bitch and Norm Cloeman (yes, I know the spelling) need reminding - it has been two months and Franken HAS been certified the winner as opposed to three weeks and the shrub NOT being certified ... then again reality has never been a strong suit of the repugicans now has it?

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