Sunday, January 18, 2009

Science & Technology News

From Treehugger:
Spain's Amazing Solar Powered House Rotates Roof to Catch Maximum Rays

spain solar house image

Renderings courtesy of the University of Madrid

Every two years, the US Department of Energy gathers some of the best minds in science for its biannual Solar Decathlon in Washington DC. Teams from universities around the world compete to create the most advanced, most viable solar powered homes and cutting edge alternative energy solutions.

Last week, Team Spain (from the University of Madrid) invited TreeHugger to take a sneak peak at their stellar offering for this year's competition in October: the B&W House. It's a house fashioned with a roof that continually rotates to face the sun in order to capture maximum sunlight.

Article continues: Spain's Amazing Solar Powered House Rotates Roof to Catch Maximum Rays

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