Friday, January 23, 2009

Senator's bill to ban profanity

South Carolina Senator Robert Ford is attempting to outlaw profanity. Under his bill, the penalty for lewd language would be up to 5 years in prison and/or $5000 in fines.

From WCBD:
Which words are exactly considered profane is still unclear, but the bill does have a list of qualifications for profanity including words or actions that are lewd, vulgar or indecent in nature.

Well, Robert you can go Fornicate yourself.

If I or anyone else choose to use the orignial form of our language (and 95 percent of the "lewd, vulgar, indecent in nature words and actions" are in reality the old Angle-Saxon and Celtic words and actions that were spoken and used by 'English' speakers of high and low birth in 1066 when William the Bastard defeated Harold of England and thus became known to modern history as William the Conqueror and imposed his duchy's - that being Normandy - bastardized French ... William was a Norman, i.e., a Norseman, aka Viking and his original language was Norse which is to say akin to Angle-Saxon but they had lived in France for a couple of generations and adopted quite a bit of the french language into their dialect. N'est pas!?), we will without your permission nor your 'outlawing" it.

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