Thursday, January 29, 2009

South American leaders head to anti-Davos gathering

Five South American leaders are headed to the steamy Amazon city of Belem, today to join 100,000 activists demanding an overhaul of capitalism they say is long overdue.

The presidents of Brazil, Bolivia, Ecuador, Paraguay and Venezuela were expected to join activists of all stripes at an annual protest against the World Economic Forum held for the planet's rich and powerful at the Swiss ski resort of Davos.

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez said ahead of his arrival in Brazil that the World Social Forum will show the planet how to make "a better world, distinct from capitalism."

And Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva will make his first social forum appearance in three years, bringing 13 government ministers with him instead of going to Switzerland.
Activists said they weren't angry at Silva for shunning the social forum in previous years, predicting he will receive a warm welcome.

Gladys Cisneros, a program officer for the American Center for International Labor Solidarity based in Washington, was encouraged by the VIP lineup - but hoped leaders want to do more than boost their popularity amid the world financial crisis."I would hope their coming here is a genuine reflection of their interest in engaging in civil society and not just a photo op," she said.

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