Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Top Ten Science Stories of 2009

Taken from over the vast and varied field of Science this might not be everyone's top ten - but these were selected for their impact on the current time and their impact into the future in 2009 and well beyond.

The list links to the individual articles:

  1. The hunt for the God particle: The Large Hadron Collider is one the greatest scientific undertakings. Ever.
  2. Pushing invisibility's limits: Could an invisibility cloak protect against a tsunami?
  3. Ice on Mars: The Phoenix lander finds proof of water on the Red Planet
  4. Faster DNA Processing: Mapping your entire genome has never been so affordable.
  5. A new band of Lowland Gorillas: A band of over 100,000 gorillas was discoverd in the Congo
  6. A breakthrough in Alzheimer's Treatment: A new hope in the fight against Alzheimer's diease
  7. Equal Opportunity Genetics: A new law protects against genetic discrimination
  8. A people with no numbers: Located in Brazil, the Piraha tribe gets by in life without counting a thing
  9. The Doomsday vault: Buried deep in the frozen mountains of the Norwegian archipelago lays mankind's failsafe seed vault
  10. The ancient astronomical computer: the Greeks prove once again that they were among the most intelligent cultures of the ancient world

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