Thursday, January 15, 2009

UK MPs to hide their expenses from Freedom of Information requests

From the "It's like Deja Vu all over again!" Department:

The Open Rights Group says, "Harriet Harman MP plans to use a special parliamentary order that can become law within 24 hours after being debated by MPs and peers next week. It will exempt details of all MPs' and peers' expenses from being disclosed under the Freedom of Information Act, and nullify all past requests by journalists and campaigners to get them published."
Harriet Harman, the leader of the house, is to use a special parliamentary order that can become law within 24 hours after being debated by MPs and peers next week.

It comes just as MPs were about to be forced, following a victory by campaigners at an information tribunal, to publish 1.2m expenses receipts, covering the period between 2005 and 2008.

In return the government is to increase the number of published categories, such as travel and accomodation, which detail where MPs used their expenses.

Now, why does this sound so bloody familiar?! Oh, yeah, I know they are taking a page out of the repugnican playbook for this crap.

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