Friday, January 23, 2009

Wing-Nut Yammering and Flap-Doodle

My the wing-nuts are up early today ...

AT 5:31AM 'Ted' left this comment about the latest installment of "Chatter":
Ted said...

Take the test.

FIRST QUESTION: Who IS the actual and lawful 44th President of the USA?

ANSWER: Joe Biden

Biden was initially the Acting President for at least 5 minutes under either the Constitution’s Article 2 or the Constitution’s 20th Amendment, from 12:00 Noon 1/20/09, having already taken his Oath of Office and before Obama completed his ‘oath’ at approximately 12:05 PM, 1/20/09. Under the 20th Amendment if the President-elect shall have failed to qualify, or alternatively under Article 2 if the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties, at the time fixed for the beginning of the term, being 12:00 Noon 1/20/09, which ability and/or qualification includes that he take the Article 2 oath “before he enter on the execution of his office,” then either the Presidency shall devolve on the Vice President under Article 2 or the Vice President shall act as President under the 20th Amendment. (The importance of the oath in ‘commencing’ an ‘Obama Presidency’ — rather than merely the 1/20/09 Noon time — is confirmed by the re-take of the ‘oath’ by Obama at the White House on 1/21/09 after the first ‘oath’ was NOT administered by Justice Roberts NOR recited by Obama in the words as required under Article 2.)

This is significant because at such time that the Supreme Court finally rules on the merits on Obama’s disqualification as not being an Article 2 “natural born citizen” (clearly he is NOT), Biden’s automatic status (without needing to take a separate Presidential Oath) of being President would be predicated upon four different bases: First, having been Vice President under Article 2; second, having been Vice President-elect under the 20th Amendment; third, having been actual President in the hiatus before Obama took the ‘oath(s)’; and fourth, retroactively deemed President during the full period of the Obama usurpation so that the acts of the Federal Government under the usurpation can be deemed authorized and/or ratified by Biden’s legitimacy.

SECOND QUESTION: Who will be the 45th President?

ANSWER: Hillary Clinton

One must assume that Bill and Hillary Clinton have been aware of all of the above. Biden’s wife recently “let the cat out of the bag” on the Oprah Show that both Biden and Hillary had considered alternatively Veep or Secretary of State, in either case, setting up Hillary to be President on a vote of the Democratic Congress if need be.

THIRD QUESTION: Is Obama an unwitting victim of this troika or a knowing participant?

ANSWER: Yet undetermined.

Still not dealing well with reality is he?!

The Usurper is gone we booted him and the rest of the cabal out last November when we served notice of their eviction to occur on January 20, 2009 at noon.

Also, if one wants to be technical about it, Obama is only the 41st elected president this country has had - three were not elected ... Hayes, Ford and the shrub (funny side note here - all non-elected presidents were repugicans). Ford was appointed by Nixon and approved by Congress as VP and when Nixon resigned he became president. Hayes and the shrub were anointed by partisan courts after rigging the voting and counting in several areas.

Oh, and that citizenship thing ... his mother was a citizen therefore he is a citizen - get over it.


  1. "Citizen" as under the 14th Amendment is NOT the same a "natural born citizen" under Article 2 (a unique requirement for President) -- on which you and us "wingnuts" will soon receive confirmation from the Supreme Court. I suggest you stand by.

  2. With the mounting job casualties, here's hoping SCOTUS either finds someone, somewhere, has standing to require BHO's birth certificate or fixes attention on a criminal indictment before he wins his War on Prosperity.
