Saturday, January 24, 2009

Wing-nut Yammering and Flap-Doodle

More nonsense from the lunatic fringe still yammering about citizenship in response to the previous post with the same title:
Ted said...

"Citizen" as under the 14th Amendment is NOT the same a "natural born citizen" under Article 2 (a unique requirement for President) -- on which you and us "wingnuts" will soon receive confirmation from the Supreme Court. I suggest you stand by.

Now, are we discussing the Constitution of the United States of America here or the 'constitution' that only exists in the warped black holes the wing-nuts call their minds.

If it is the Constitution of the United States of America we are discussing then you know your statement cited above is so much horsesh_t.

However if we are discussing whatever you wing-nuts call a 'constitution', well, then could be ... the rest of us don't live in whatever fantasy world you troglodytes live in so who knows what is in your 'constitution' - but from past experience and current statements ... the aforementioned horsesh_t comes to mind.

Also, since the current court has shown its inability to read much less understand the Constitution of the United States of America ... (witness witless Roberts screwing up a simple one sentence oath just this past Tuesday when swearing in our first legitimate president in eight years. Immediately the wing-nuts howled that Obama wasn't president because HE flubbed the oath not Roberts - news flash for you Obama became president at noon January 20th, 2009 with or without the oath being taken as decreed in the Constitution of the United States of America that a president is to take office weather or not an oath has been taken) ... we would ignore it and its irrelevancy to the progress of our nation and the world should they even contemplate hearing any of the idiotic and juvenile filings that have been made by morons with less grasp on reality than Woody Woodpecker.

But I have to go now, Graham Norton is about to come on BBCAmerica and he is much more entertaining than skewering nincompoops even as fun as skewering nincompoops is to do.

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