Monday, January 26, 2009

Witches Survive Attempt to Cleanse Washington

Starhawk, along with other members of the group Code Pink, held a ritual to “cleanse the Whitehouse” on Bush’s last day in office.

A video of the event: Witches Sweep Clean for Obama.

Of course, much is being made of this on wing-nut blogs. At, the article on the event was accompanied by keywords such as “religiousleft”, “antichristian”, and “dementedwomen”. added the commentary:

We knew it would happen: Full bore weirdness! The Messiah ushers in
pagan superstition along with his Czars, totalitarianism and an
incredible uptick in demonic fury—to be vented mindlessly upon all available scapegoats…

Also, added commentary:

Besides invoking witchcraft against the United States, Code Pink also works with state sponsors of terrorism and the terrorists in Iraq to undermine America in the war on terror. And Code Pink works with President Obama.

There is definitely some rage and desperation out there in wing-nut land.

If anyone needs more of a rush than their coffee can provide this morning, has contains some high-test racism, sexism, and some seriously irrational frothing-at-the-mouth ... along with the standard hate, bile and vitrol that one has come to expect from the wing-nuts.

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