Thursday, January 1, 2009

Woman who kept boy's football, sues parents

From the "Damn this bitch is a pain!" Department:

An 89-year-old Cincinnati-area woman arrested for confiscating the neighbor kid's football is now suing the boy's parents.

Edna Jester filed a lawsuit in Hamilton County Common Pleas Court claiming she has suffered emotional distress because footballs and other playthings belonging to her next-door neighbors keep landing in her yard.

In October, 2008, Jester refused to return a football, was taken to the Blue Ash police station and charged with petty theft.

The prosecutor later dropped the case.

The lawsuit against parents Paul and Kelly Tanis seeks unspecified monetary damages.

Kelly Tanis calls the suit "very silly" but says she and her husband also worry because they have five children and can't afford a lawyer.


Obviously this woman is a bitch and vindictive.

Whomever the sleazoid calling themselves a lawyer who even contemplated this horse-hockey is, is nothing more than a money grubbing worm.

The prosecutors should have prosecuted the original case and taught this woman a lesson, instead she is making it miserable for everyone around her as she has always done.

Emotional distress my bloody boil covered arse (not really my arse is quite free of boils, but you get the idea) ... the one's suffering emotional distress are her neighbors and the children whose toys she has stolen.

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