Saturday, February 7, 2009

Artist of famed Obama poster arrested in Boston

In a clear case of attempted intimidation by corporate interests and their lackeys the Boston police:

Police in Boston say the artist famous for his "Hope" posters of President Obama has been arrested on outstanding warrants.

Shepard Fairey was in Boston on Friday for his new exhibit at the Institute of Contemporary Art.

Police Officer James Kenneally says the department had January 24th warrants alleging the Los Angeles artist tagged property with graffiti.

Fairey's Obama image has been sold on thousands of stickers and posters. It is the subject of a copyright dispute with The Associated Press.

Fairey argues that his use of the AP photo is protected by "fair use," which allows exceptions to copyright laws.


Just 'who' swore out the January 24th warrant (whose timing mirrors the AP copyright claims - how odd is that?!). That information should prove be every interesting when it is entered in the public record.

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