Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Circuit City liquidator Great American Group boxing and selling broken gear

A couple, from Boston, bought a "television" for $1,100, but it turned out to be a box of shattered glass. They did not realize they were being sold this, because they were told not to open it until they got home. Investigators from a local news channel found that the store won't allow customers to check merchandise.
A spokesman for the liquidation group, Great American Group said, “We have signs posted indicating all sales are final,” and “Consumers are protected by the manufacturers warranty.”

But Samsung wouldn’t help Gina and Emilio, saying their TV was damaged, not defective, and not their concern.

“No one’s there to help us … we’re out $1,100,” Gina said.

Gina has appealed to her credit card company but so far Citizens Bank has not said whether it will help.

Under federal bankruptcy law, all sales are final even if you are not given what you paid for. On the other hand, this is exactly what chargebacks are for.

Not only is this going on but the 'closeout' percentages off are a lie - you can find the same items (undamaged, to boot) at other retailers not going out of business where their 'full' retail price is lower than Circuit City's 'liquidation' closeout discounted price.

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